Paving can create a beautiful area in your garden to really tie it all together. Looking after your paving is paramount to its aesthetic and longevity. Regardless of the type of paving you have, all will require some kind of maintenance. The type or amount of maintenance you will have to do will depend on the type of paving you have.

Here are the 5 types of maintenance we recommend

  • Regular brushing
  • Cleaning/power washing/algae or lichen removal
  • Weed removal
  • Fill in the joints
  • Sealing

Not all of these steps may be necessary for your type of paving so be sure of the type you have as it could potentially be detrimental.

Regular brushing

One of the quickest and easiest things you can do is give your paving regular brushing. Removing leaves, dirt and debris from your paving regularly will help keep it cleaner for longer by reducing the risk of any staining, preventing weeds from sprouting and help reducing the build-up of algae or lichen.

All you need to do is give your paving a brush, perhaps once every 2-4 weeks, and remove anything that has begun to build up on the surface. During the autumnal months, we would instead recommend perhaps once a week. This is because of all the extra leaf and seed fall you may experience, as well as a change in weather which can allow for mildew to begin to build up.

Cleaning or power washing for algae and lichen removal

Person using a pressure washer on paving

Giving your paving a quick clean every now and then will work wonders for its maintenance. Some types of paving, such as natural stone may well suffice with regular cleaning with warm soapy water. However, if you have some stains, marks or have algae or lichen on your paving, worry not. There are products suitable for their removal that will not damage your tiles.

We recommend using a product such as Pavecare Paving & Driveway Cleaner for cleaning stone paving. It is a professional strength cleaning concentrate that will remove oil, grease, rubber marks, mould, mildew, algae and general dirt.

Another handy way of cleaning your paving is by using a power washer. These can be extremely effective at removing all kinds of things. We do, however, recommend being very careful if you use one as you can quickly and easily remove sand-filled joints or even mortar joints if they are not in tiptop condition.

They can also cause damage to certain types of paving. For instance, if you have concrete tiles and have the psi too high or leave the water spraying in one place for too long, you can easily remove some of the surface of the paver and cause an unsightly finish.

For porcelain pavers, we would recommend using a product such as Owatrol Net-Trol. Whilst traditionally used to clean and brighten wood, it can also be used to remove dirt, grime and even rust stains from porcelain tiles.

We recommend cleaning your tiles perhaps 3-4 times a year in this fashion.

Weed removal

Weed growth in paving can be frustrating to deal with. The best way to control them is by removing them by the root. However, we understand that weeds can quickly and easily get out of hand and so getting rid of them this way may take a lot longer than you would like.

If physical removal of the weeds is not an ideal choice, then you could use a chemical weed killer. However, although they can be very effective, we highly recommend you research into which one would be safe and suitable for use on your paving.

Some can contain ingredients that may cause staining, or worse, cause damage to the type of tiles you have. If possible, we would recommend using what is known as a ‘systemic’ weed killer. This works by killing the weed at the roots instead of just what is out on the surface. They generally take longer to work than traditional weed killers, but may well be beneficial to you in the long run.

Regardless of the manufacturer’s instructions, we would also recommend testing it on a small inconspicuous area first so ensure its suitability.

Fill in the joints

ProJoint™ Porcelain Paving Grout

If your joints have begun to crumble from weathering, heavy usage or damage caused by weeds, it’s highly recommended you repair them as soon as possible. Not only is this because it is unsightly, but the joints create structure for the whole patio. If the structure is compromised, your tiles can shift making the job a lot harder to fix.

There are many types of joint grout or compounds available such as ones in our Nexus range. We have products suitable for natural stone as well as porcelain, so be sure to select the one necessary for you.


If your paving consists of porous natural stone or concrete then we highly recommend sealing them. This is because they will need to be protected from water and moisture absorption. Without sealing them you will find moss and weeds will grow very quickly and easily and your paving will quickly look aged and dirty in no time at all.

Using a sealer will not only aid with protection against moisture but also dirt, oil and water-based staining. Take a look at our range of sealers in our Nexus range.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to seal porcelain pavers as they are not porous and so are not susceptible to the same level of damage.

We hope you found this post helpful. Please feel free to leave any other tips or advice in the comments section below.